Tool steel is a carbon steel used for making tools because of its corrosion resistance, hardness, high-temperature resistance, and cryogenic toughness. It is good at maintaining its shape. Tool Steel is available is different grades and forms such as Water Hardening (W), Air Hardening (A), Oil Hardening (O), and D type (D). The grade chosen depends on the tool that needs to be created for example whether the main concern is sharpness, high impact resistance, abrasion resistance, or high-temperature resistance. Tool steel is used for manufacturing

  • Knives and cutlery
  • Axels
  • Hammers
  • Dies and molds
  • Blades
  • Punches etc.

Tool Steel is available in all grades i-e Water Hardening (W), Air Hardening (A), Oil Hardening (O), and D type (D) in the form of bar and rod at Titan Alloys